Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mascots and promotion

From mascots dunking through flaming hoops to the newly remodeled hot dog/t-shirt cannon, professional sports teams are trying just about anything to fill the seats in today's highly competitive marketplace. Most fans today can only afford to take the wife and kids to a basketball game a few times a year. When they do go to the game, however, they have high expectations of family entertainment.
This Youtube clip is a great example of sports marketing gone wrong. Im not sure what chemical is burning on the hoop, but it takes the crew way too long to extinguish the fire. Half of the people who attended this game probably walked in late, so the danger of the stunt was excessive for the amount of impact it was supposed to have. On the other hand, maybe the stunt caught more people's attention because of the fact that it went terribly wrong.


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